From our Principal
Dear Families
We thank our children and staff for their contributions to the term. Many of our initiatives couldn’t take place without the support of our parents so we thank you for your contributions to our learning community.
Once upon a time
It was lovely to spend some time in Year Prep on Tuesday. We enjoyed reading a favourite book that belongs to my oldest son and teaching them a lovely rhyme ‘Once Upon A Time.’ Moments like this remind me how important it is to value the craft of teaching and that it is all about ‘the children’.
Book club
The last ‘Book Club’ of 2023 has happened! The students running this club have been brilliant, showing impressive independence and leadership skills. This week they chose to read ‘Marketplace’ as it was the winner of the CBCA picture story book category. They also gathered the students at the end to check in about their book week costumes, ask what their favourite story has been so far and to organise them for a final photo!
Well done to Annie, Evie, Rosie, Michael and Finn for their work with Book Club.
School Closure Days - Term 4 2023
Each year Catholic schools utilise student-free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development and student assessment and reporting.
Please note the following Term 4 student-free dates for your diary.
• Monday 6 November
• Monday 4 December
Last Day of the School Year – Friday, 14 December 2023 at 1.00pm