St Roch's Parish Primary School
St Roch's Parish Primary School
Virtue Alone is Noble

In the St Roch’s school community we all work together collaboratively. We highly value respect, support and understanding of each other and in doing so provide a safe and secure environment in which each child has the opportunity to grow and become the best person they can be.
As a school we are committed to the development of the whole person. We strive to provide a teaching/learning environment where positive attitudes towards faith, life and learning are encouraged and developed. St Roch’s Parish Primary School has an excellent reputation. It is proud of its Catholic traditions and dedicated to passing them on.
Youth Leadership Victoria (YLV) centrally administers a number of our Out of School Hours Care programs (OSHC), including St Roch's Parish Primary School, which is managed by the supervisor and assistants. The program is available every morning from 7am and in the afternoons until 6pm. Further information regarding costings can be obtained from the office or via the OSHC website. General enquiries can be made by phone on 8790 6511 or via email.
Breakfast is supplied in the mornings and a healthy snack in the afternoons. St Roch's OSHC follows all health and hygiene regulations as well as the Heart Foundation Nutrition Policy. It adheres to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development frameworks. Many of the activities are educational as there is a policy of incidental learning