From our Principal
Dear Families
On this first day of Spring, we are certainly grateful that Melbourne keeps us on our toes. The rain this morning did not keep our father’s and special friends away!! What a beautiful morning we had in the hall today. Lovely food, beverages and company. Lots of smiling faces and an atmosphere that makes us all proud.
Thank you to the team of Year 3 and 4 mums led by our Year 3 and 4 Class Representatives Jacci Bristow, Julie Holland, Dani Fowler & Bec Kirkwood for setting up and packing up the beautiful space.
Working Bee
What a fortnight it has been. The Year 3&4 Working Bee coordinated by James Bawden began the task of moving out of our office area and then the following week supported by our families, students and amazing staff; our friends, trades and special people in our lives who assisted us to our Reception move to the Temporary space and the first stage of demolition!! We cannot wait for our renovations!! A big thank you to our Year 3 & 4 families who assisted with the Working Bee last Sunday: McInerney, Chevaux, Bristow, Stubbs, Ireland, Kirkwood, Burke, Thomas, Fowler, Fatovic, Lear, Derrin, Borromeo, Cheng, Mulder and Bawden.
Student Podcast
This week we launch the St Roch's Student Podcast. If you would like to listen to it at home your child will need to log into their student account via Google Chrome and go to the Student Homepage to find the link to the Student Podcast Website or once your child has logged into their student account you can click this link:
Congratulations to the Year 6 Podcast Team!! We hope you all have an opportunity to hear their podcast!! Such talent!!
First Holy Communion
As mentioned in my email last Sunday, it was lovely to see many families at the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. What a lovely celebration. We are very proud of the Communion Candidates and wish them well on their faith journey. Thank you to Father Gallacher, Louise Bolton, Jess Mount, Teresa Hogan, Sofie Markstedt, Carmel Rozario and Pauline Flinn for all that they do to make this day so special.
