What a lovely way to begin the morning today with a sunrise and some much needed fitness!! Thank you Kat for providing this opportunity for our community on a Friday morning!! We look forward to more to come!
We are proud of our connection to Father Gallacher and our Parish. To continue to strengthen our Catholic Faith we are grateful to now be returning to having the opportunity to gather together as a school and Parish family.
Each year level will be invited to attend a Sunday Mass this year as a ‘Family Mass’ or a ‘Commitment’ Mass if receiving a Sacrament. The Mass will be held at 10.00am or 5.00pm on a given Sunday with a chance for a ‘chat and a cuppa’ following on. We look forward to welcoming our Year 1/2 families this Sunday (24 July) to the 5.00pm Mass!

The Year 5 and 6 ‘Mini Vinnies’ Winter Appeal colouring competition winners have been announced! Congratulations to the P - 2 winner Coco Moore (1/2JH) and 3 - 6 winner Maggie Callanan (3/4SG). Your entries showed great attention to detail and were unique in their designs. Well done!