It has been a wonderful final two weeks of Term 2 for 2022. Our Semester 1 Highlights Assembly showcased not only the outstanding leadership qualities amongst our Year 6 students and our Semester 1 SRC members, but also the great learning across Years Prep to 5 over Semester 1. The engagement and attention of our students was so pleasing as we sat and watched the many parts to this assembly.
Our Year 5 and 6 Students celebrated their learning from their History Inquiry unit. It was like stepping back in time as students, staff and parents entered the Year 5 and 6 classrooms and watched our students confidently and competently share their knowledge of their significant past Australian figure. Congratulations to all of these students and Alex Keisler and Matthew Crowe.
We hope our families have a well deserved break and rest over this holiday break and we look forward to Term 3.