Dear Families,
What an amazing end to Term 2 2024. Firstly, I take this opportunity to thank all of our students for their positive energy and sensational smiles. This term has included so many amazing times and events: beginning with the Holy Week, reenactment, the ANZAC Day liturgy, St Roch’s Swimming Carnival, Mother’s Day Stall, Breakfast & luncheon, Mindset Matters program, Year 5&6 Camp to Bayview Adventure Camp, District Cross Country, Year 1&2 Excursion to Chesterfield Farm, Open Mornings and Kindergarten Visits, Pre-School Playgroup, Year 6 Confirmation Family Night and Commitment Mass, Walk Safely to School Day, 3/4 AFL Gala Day, Preps in Pyjamas, International Simultaneous Story Time, 1/2 Family Mass, 1/2SM Assembly, PMP,
Classroom Helpers, Whole School PBL Reward, 5 & 6 UPP Leadership Program, Fire Education visits for Prep and Year 6, Buddy Time, the P&F Trivia Night, Highlights Assembly, Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences, the birthday I did not want mentioned that became a bonanza and finally our lovely farewells to Sofie Markstedt and Pauline Flinn on our last day of Term 2, today!! I must mention whilst all these experiences
were enjoyed by our students, staff and community, the building works continued and we are delighted to welcome you all through the new reception doors on 15 July. An opening and blessing ceremony is being organised and a date will be confirmed shortly.